Please note that our shoes are available for pre-order only.
They will not be shipped with a shoe box by default. If a shoe box is required, please contact our customer service team to arrange it. Kindly be aware that an additional fee for shipping may apply due to the increased volume weight.
Please note that our shoes are available for pre-order only.
They will not be shipped with a shoe box by default. If a shoe box is required, please contact our customer service team to arrange it. Kindly be aware that an additional fee for shipping may apply due to the increased volume weight.
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Share some information about your product
Please note that our shoes are available for pre-order only.
They will not be shipped with a shoe box by default. If a shoe box is required, please contact our customer service team to arrange it. Kindly be aware that an additional fee for shipping may apply due to the increased volume weight.
Please note that our shoes are available for pre-order only.
They will not be shipped with a shoe box by default. If a shoe box is required, please contact our customer service team to arrange it. Kindly be aware that an additional fee for shipping may apply due to the increased volume weight.
Share some information about your product
Share some information about your product